Find these wonderful programs when you get to ConVocation
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First Time at Con! (ConVocation)
Are you nervous about what to expect? Do you think you will get lost in the energy? Well, come on by and we will give you tips and tricks on what it's all about and what you need to know to have an incredible experience. Along with the class we will also offer an opportunity to learn or refresh your grounding and shielding techniques, along with some special guests to help you. So come on in and say Hi and let us get you started on this journey!
The Chalice Well Circle - A 12 Step Recovery Meeting
This Circle is a Closed Meeting that is open only those whom that have "desire to recover from substance abuse or addictive behaviors" as stated in our 3rd Tradition. Our meetings are based on a "revised version" of the 12 steps and 12 traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. This revision helps to include all attendees, of any religious faith, that are involved in any kind of 12 step recovery group, outside of this convention.
Hospitality Room
Need a quick snack before dinner or a bite to eat between classes?
Our Hospitality Suite carries light snacks, munchies, and lots of coffee. Good people and good conversation are also on the menu, all free for all registered attendees. So, make sure you get your morning coffee or bedtime snack.
Eating a full meal at least once a day and staying hydrated is recommended during the weekend.
Serenity Suite
This suite is a space to step away from the hustle and bustle of the event to take a breather, to ground, and to center.
Take care of yourself during ConVocation - physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Divination Den
We invite all psychic readers to join our Divination Den, a place where mystical energies and ancient arts unite. Unveil your talents, share your insights, and connect with kindred spirits. Let your inner seer guide the way as we create a truly enchanting experience for our Con-goers.