Benebell Wen is the author of three books, I Ching, The Oracle (2023), The Tao of Craft (2016), and Holistic Tarot (2015). Wen’s focus spans a broad spectrum of metaphysical subjects, including divination, Taoist mysticism, esoteric Buddhism, meditation, and both Asian and Hellenistic modalities of astrology.
Her debut was the publication Holistic Tarot that merged tarot traditions with modern practical applications. She has also illustrated and independently produced her own deck, the Spirit Keeper’s Tarot, and is at work on a reconstructed Etteilla Tarot.
Wen is still a full-time practicing attorney licensed in California and New York, specializing in corporate transactions.
In addition to her writing, she maintains an active online presence through her YouTube channel where she offers educational content on tarot and East Asian occult traditions.
Chris Allaun has been studying witchcraft, magick, and paganism since 1992. He is one of the founders and an ordained minister with The Fellowship of the Phoenix. He has been an initiate of Traditional Witchcraft since 2002. He is also a Native American Pipe Carrier and studies that path of the Red Road.
He teaches classes and workshops on magick, healing, shamanism, and necromancy. He has been teaching and writing for many years. He is the author of Underworld: Shamanism, Myth, and Magick, Deeper Into The Underworld: Death, Ancestors, and Magical Rites, and Upperworld: Shamanism and Magick of the Celestial Realms.
Christopher Penczak is a modern Witch working in the Temple of Witchcraft tradition and community he helped co-found. His practice focuses on the intersection of Love, Will, and Wisdom as an ethos for today’s Witch, and focuses upon relationships with the plant realm, the patterns of astrology, traditional occultism, and the use of trance in the Craft. He is the author of many books, including the award winning Temple of Witchcraft series, The Plant Spirit Familiar, and The Mighty Dead, as well as the co-owner of Copper Cauldron Publishing. Christopher keeps an office in New Hampshire and sees clients in-person and online for readings, healing, and personal consultations. His vision is of an evolving Witchcraft culture making magick accessible to all, yet preserving the heart of the mystery. For more information, visit www.christopherpenczak.com and www.templeofwitchcraft.org.
Clifford Hartleigh Low is the impossible man who does impossible things. He’s been described as a living encyclopedia of the arcane, and is recognized by his peers as one of the most accomplished practitioners of magic and divination alive; summoning spirits in front of witnesses, conjuring vast wealth for himself and clients, healing the incurable, crafting countless talismans, pioneering magical movements; and much else. He lectures across America on the philosophy, history, and effective application of magical techniques from dozens of traditions; with a reputation for being entertaining, scholarly, and thought-provoking. He spends his time doing magical research in his vast library, performing spellwork and forecasting for clients, and writing. Learn more at https://linktr.ee/clifflow
David Shi David Shi is a shamanic worker and folk magic practitioner who primarily engages in traditional North Asian forms of shamanism. He is primarily of Manchurian descent but can also trace ancestry to Mongolian, Chinese, Korean, as well as a little Tungus Siberian and ancient Central Asian Turkic heritage. Raised in a household that incorporated both Southeast Siberian and North Chinese practices, David has dedicated his spare time to the study of the spiritual traditions of his ancestors and of greater Eurasia. Recognized as a sagaasha/ongodtengertei, a future shaman prior to initiation, among both Mongolian and Korean shamans, David’s practices are deeply rooted in spirit work in which ancestral and land spirits are called to empower all workings. David’s readings incorporate a combination of Tarot, Bones, Jaw-harp, as well as Mongolian stone divination (known as Kumalak in Turkic Central Asia).
David is the author of the new book “Spirit Voices: The Mysteries and Magic of North Asian Shamanism” and currently resides in Manhattan, New York, where he occasionally provides spiritual services, products, and workshops to his immediate communities. Follow him on Instagram @davidjshi311.
Devin Hunter is the multi-award winning and bestselling author of “The Witch's Book of Power,” “The Witch's Book of Spirits,” “The Witch's Book of Mysteries,” the critically acclaimed “Modern Witch,” “Crystal Magic for the Modern Witch,” and the forthcoming “Houseplant HortOCCULTure.” Initiated into multiple occult orders, Devin is the founder of the Sacred Fires Tradition of Witchcraft and co-founder of the Black Rose Tradition of Witchcraft. He hosts the Modern Witch podcast, recommended by both the AV Club and Glamour, and he's co-owner of Datura Trading Co. Visit him at ModernWitch.com/Devin
Enfys J. Book (they/them) is the author of the Gold COVR award-winning Queer Qabala, co-author (with Ivo Dominguez, Jr.) of Sagittarius Witch, and author of Queer Rites: A Magickal Grimoire to Honor Your Milestones with Pride (Llewellyn, 2025). They are the High Priest of the Fellowship of the Ancient White Stag coven near Washington, D.C. Enfys has taught classes on magickal practice around the world. They are also the creator of majorarqueerna.com, a website devoted to queer magickal practice, and host a podcast called “4 Quick Q’s: Book Talk with Enfys,” where they interview pagan authors using questions determined by a roll of the dice.
Frater Barrabbas has been practicing ritual magic and studying the occult since his late teens, having by now accumulated nearly fifty years of experience. He has a bachelor’s degree in Linguistics and has had a long and distinguished career in the high-tech industry. He began his occult vocation as an Alexandrian Witch, being initiated and trained during 1976, and developed his magical expertise combining the methodologies of classical Gardnerian Witchcraft with the Golden Dawn system of ceremonial magic. He is always expanding his spiritual field of inquiry and has studied Magic, Yoga, Qabalah, Tarot, Astrology, ancient history, theosophy, philosophy, psychology and numerous other related subject areas. His personal spiritual beliefs and practices also include forms of Pagan Gnosticism and Hermetic Magic.
Ivo Dominguez, Jr. has been active in Wiccan and the Pagan community since 1978 and has been teaching since 1982. Ivo is a founding member and former High Priest of Keepers of the Holly Chalice, the first Assembly of the Sacred Wheel coven. He currently serves as one of the Elders of the 14 ASW covens. Ivo has been published in numerous periodicals and is the author of The Four Elements of the Wise; Keys to Perception: A Practical Guide to Psychic Development; Practical Astrology for Witches and Pagans; Casting Sacred Space; and Spirit Speak, among other works. He is the anchor author for the new twelve book Witch’s Sun Sign Series. In his mundane life, he has been a computer programmer, the executive director of an AIDS/HIV service organization, a bookstore owner, and many other things. He is queer, poly, and lives in the woods of Southern Delaware with his family of choice.
Jacki Smith is the multi talented founder of Coventry Creations, a successful and rapidly growing candle factory in Ferndale, MI. At Coventry Creations, Jacki serves as president, expert candle maker, and the charismatic face of the company. She wears many hats but her favorite is probably the pointy kind. Jacki is an unapologetic, proud, modern witch who uses her power and influence to help, encourage, and educate others through her podcast, social media presence, and books.
Jason Mankey, What is there to say about Jason Mankey and ConVocation? Jason attended his first Con way back in 1999 in the long long ago when he used to live in Lansing, Michigan. Since then Jason has been a regular attendee of Con, and that didn't change even after he moved out to the West Coast back in 2011. Jason has come a long way since 1999, not only does he now have longer hair, he's also become a prolific author, having penned nine titles for Llewellyn since 2016! Con without Mankey? The idea might delight a few festival goers but it absolutely terrifies Mankey who loves Con with the fiery intensity of a thousand suns. When not writing about magick, the Horned God, and half a dozen other Witchcraft related things Jason can be found at the local pub cheering on his beloved Michigan State Spartans! Go Green! (And Go Con!)
Kenn Day has been a full-time professional Shaman since 1989, practicing in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he lives with his wife and daughter. His work arises from the same source as traditional shamanism - the spirits - but is directed specifically at those born and raised in the West.
Having coined the term Post-Tribal Shamanism to describe his work, Kenn has published two well-received books on the subject, and is currently working on his third book, "Planting the Seed of Shamanism in the West." He offers a series of shamanic training workshops, which are available wherever there is sufficient interest. He has taught in cities around the US as well as the UK and Germany.
Kenya T. Coviak is a Magical Teacher, writer, and creatrix of Detroit Conjure and Folk Magic Festival, the Minaudière de Sorcière Spell Deck Collection, and the "My Magical Cottagecore Life" podcast. Teaching engagements include ConVocation, Michigan Pagan Fest, Pagan Pride Day Detroit, Hex Fest, WitchCon, Bluewater Pagan Conference, The Black Moon Grove, and more. Her work appears in various publications including “Peppermint and Sage Magazine," "The Wild Hunt," “The Good Witch’s Guide” by Shawn Robbins and Charity Bedell, “The Heart of the Elder: Good Elders and Their Influence” by Lillith ThreeFeathers and Joy Marie Wedmedyk, and "Llewellyn's Complete Book of North American Folk Magic: A Landscape of Magic, Mystery, and Tradition." Her own books include Calico and Kindness: 2021 Winter Solstice Kitchen Adventus, and more. Watch Magical Witchy World TV for Curious Herbalism w/Kenya T. Coviak. You can reach her through detroitconjure@gmail.com, or via booking at A New Moon 22 in New Baltimore, MI.
Mat Auryn is an accomplished and award-winning author known for his best-selling books, which have been translated into over thirteen languages. As a retired professional psychic and Bay Area-based witch and occult teacher, with experience as an initiate of multiple witchcraft traditions and esoteric orders, Mat's teachings draw on a wealth of knowledge and disciplines. He has been featured in various magazines, radio shows, podcasts, books, anthologies, and other periodicals. He is the author of “Psychic Witch,” “Mastering Magick,” and co-author of the forthcoming “Pisces Witch” with Ivo Dominguez Jr. Learn more about him at Auryn.net or @MatAuryn on Instagram.
Oberon Zell is a renowned Wizard and Pagan Elder. “The Father of Modern Paganism,” he was the first to claim the identity of “Pagan,” incorporating Church of All Worlds in 1968 and publishing Green Egg magazine for 56 years. Oberon’s signature sculpture is “The Millennial Gaia.” Oberon is Founder of the Grey School of Wizardry and author of numerous books, including GaeaGenesis: Conception & Birth of the Living Earth. Now living near Asheville, NC, Oberon is engaged to Rhiannon Martin.
Sara Mastros is the author of "The Big Book of Magical Incense", "Orphic Hymns Grimoire", "The Sorcery of Solomon: A Guide to the 44 Planetary Pentacles of the Magician King", and "Sefer HaOtot: A Hebrew Book of Seals." Recognized by her peers as a brilliant and original thinker, an engaging and inspiring teacher, a compelling and clever writer, and a generally decent human being, Sara spends a lot of time dreaming, thinking, enchanting, writing, and teaching about witchcraft, magic, and myth. But, her true passion is raising up an army of inspired, educated, empowered witches prepared to weave weird new ways of Being in a world that desperately needs us. Rise up! www.WitchLessons.com
Sundance Living Waters Sundance found his path to the : drum in 1990, while developing a desire to give more to his drum circle community. He has been studying, teaching. and building hand drums ever since. Sundance has traveled to Senegal, Guinea, and Brazil; in search to understand where this powerful music came from and the
meaning behind the traditions. While focusing his learning of drumming for healing and community, Sunny found the true magit in the drum circel Sundance has facilitated drum circles for Nike team building retreats, numerous businesses, school assemblies, music festivals around the world, U of M soccer games, professional sport cheering sections, and retirement communities of all levels of care. Through his discovery of spiritual drumming cultures around the world, Sundance found that the true drummer's path comes from within.
"Learn to listen to your heart, and find your own song!"